17 August 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday, 16-17 August 2011

Nothing so exciting to write about over these last 2 days. Just some pictures with captions...

First of all, I finished the puzzle! Ta Da!

And I baked some American chocolate chip cookies. The only ingredient I was missing was brown sugar, but I read online that it's okay to add some honey instead. I think they turned out pretty well, but I'm not picky when it comes to cookies :) 

This morning there was a knock on the backdoor...my housemate's mom beckoned me into their marvelous garden and loaded me up with fresh paprika and tomatoes!  

I went on a hike today, in the Lower Carpathian Hills, which can be reached easily with the city bus. Here's the trail head...

Finally, I got close to the tower that can be seen all over the city...

The view from the spot where I ate lunch...

Making use of the camera timer...
 I suppose this is a trash receptacle (from the looks of what's inside), but I imagine it would be a pain to empty it! (Thanks to 4 years at the Skydome, I can't look at a trash can without wondering how easy it is to empty.)
 This is some sort of climbing/ropes course up in the hills near my lunch spot...
 Little cabins (?) and a fire pit...

This! I don't know what it is exactly... something for recreation...
 You slide down this part on a metal thing...
 And it carries you over to this part, where you get hooked on to a pulley system...
 that carries you back up the hill...
 When I finally got up the courage to go back to the park area to ask if I'm not too big to ride, they shut down the pulley thing. Maybe I'll go back another time...

A view of the city...

 Lots and lots of bees!

 A gross spider...
 A better view of the city...
 Grapes in someone's little backyard vineyard...
 A residential street that became part of my hike...
 A house in the making. Notice that it's not built with a wood frame and drywall...


  1. The recreation thing is a summer tobogganing run I think (zomer rodelen in Dutch)

  2. Does the trash receptacle spin on an axle to be tipped over when emptied? That's what I'm thinking. I wish you could have ridden down the hill on that...thing. And, my favorite cookbook from when we lived overseas was the Wycliff missionary cookbook--it had substitutes for western ingredients and all sorts of variations and tips on how to bake a cake in a coffee can or roast a pig underground. I always credit that cookbook for teaching me to cook!

  3. Thanks for the input :)
    I think that's a good theory about the trash can, Kaci; I can't think of any other possibilities besides an angry worker hitting his/her head on the cover!
