24 August 2011

22 August 2011

 No great adventures today, so I hope you won't be bored with this blog entry. I'm going to put pictures to jazz it up a bit... (You don't have to read it anyway.)

I Skyped with my parents this morning, so that was nice... 
Later I had plans to go to the notary with my housemate's parents. I had great expectations for that to be a really challenging errand since my Slovak is so minimal, and so is their English, and chances are the notary wouldn't know much English either. But really, it was easy... We got in their car, drove to the notary, went inside, they did all the talking, and I knew already that I would have to show my passport and sign some things so it was easy to figure out the things they told me to do.  I'm able to communicate and understand quite well with her parents if we do a lot of gesturing, and if they use German words that are similar to any Dutch words I know. It's good brain exercise anyway.  One funny thing though...some people think my dad is a dentist. I think sometime during my first days here I was talking about my family, and during our conversation I must have refused some food or drink because I had just brushed my teeth, and so there was a bit of a misunderstanding. No problem though- it's just funny :)
I had a picture of the notary, because it's quite different from the boring ol' American notaries, but I can't seem to find it right now...
Later on Monday, I went shopping for winter clothes. There are quite a few sales going on now to make room for the nová kolekcia (new collection) coming to the stores, so I figured it would be best to take advantage of those. Shopping isn't exactly a leisure activity for me, and I find that I'm pretty stingy- not wanting to spend more than 5 EUR on ANYTHING, and having a hard time parting with 5 EUR on an item if I see that there are other things (although not equal things) being sold for less than 5 EUR. It's difficult, and it makes me grouchy. 

Since I know you're all dying to know what people wear in Europe, here are the pictures of the things I bought and approximately how much I spent on them...
Wool skirt, 15 EUR (to be worn with tights and boots)

Sweater dress 10 EUR (to wear with layers- leggings and a long sleeved shirt. And probably a belt? (I'm new to sweater dresses) ) 

I know it's a bit crazy, but I actually really like it... a sweater with a funny little ruffle sewn on the bottom, 10 EUR
Sleeveless shirt, 3 EUR, (for wearing now and layering with later)
Regular old long-sleeved shirts (yep, they have those here!) 2 for 13 EUR

Leggings! 2 for 13 EUR

And since European products and prices are so interesting, I also took pictures of all the food I bought on my last trip to Lidl! Here you go:

"Crusti croc" chips with sour cream and cheese  čipy, .59 Eur
10 Vajcia (kusou= pieces) .99 Eur
Chlieb (sliced on the self-serve slicing machine!) 1.09 Eur
Jogurt biely (white yogurt) .59 Eur
Mlieko trvanlivé  ("Durable" milk...maybe a better translation would be "sterile"?) It's the kind that doesn't need to be refrigerated until after opening. I'm a little wary of such things, but so many people drink it, it must be ok, right? We'll see! .55 Eur

It doesn't expire until February 7th, 2012!
The evidence of the zmrzlina I ate at the bus stop. .44 Eur. I was pleasantly surprised to find little vanilla bean specks in the ice cream :)
A HUGE čokoláda Milka bar, and the most expensive thing I bought: 2.79 Eur. I think it will be worth it though :)
Staročeský Salám (Old Czech salami?) It doesn't look like salami to me. .99 Eur
Královské plátky syr (Royal cheese slices) .95 Eur
Banany .832 kilo for .99 Eur/kilo = .82 Eur
Maslo Butter .79 Eur
cestoviny .59 Eur

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